1528 31st St NW
Washington, DC
John F. Kennedy (b. May 29, 1917; d. November 22, 1963) was the 35th President of the United States. After serving in the Navy during WWII, his political ambitions took him to Congress and then the Senate. In 1960, Kennedy ran for president and was sworn into office in 1961. He championed human rights and was vigorous in his pursuit of civil rights legislation. However, his term was cut short when he was assassinated in Texas in 1963. As a freshman Democratic Congressman, more than a decade earlier, Kennedy shared this Georgetown row house, located at 1528 31st Street NW, with his sister Eunice and aide Billy Sutton. Also sharing the home were a cook and butler, both appointed by Kennedy’s father to keep the house in order. JFK resided there between 1947 and 1950.
Where else did Kennedy live?
- 3260 N St NW, Washington, DC
1951 - 1953 - 3307 N Street NW, Washington, DC
1958 - 1963 - 1400 34th St NW, Washington, DC
1950 - 3321 Dent Pl NW, Washington, DC
1953 -1958 - 1147 Chain Bridge Rd, McLean, VA
- 2808 P St. NW, Washington, DC
1957 - 2480 16th St. NW (Room 542), Washington, DC
- 2480 16th St NW, Washington, DC
- Residence information sourced from John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (http://www.jfklibrary.org/Research/Ready-Reference/JFK-Miscellaneous-Information/Homes.aspx)
- Biographical information sourced from “The Best Year of Their Lives: Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon in 1948: Learning the Secrets of Power” By Lance Morrow (page 3)
- Photo courtesy of Garden of Praise (http://www.gardenofpraise.com/ibdkenn.htm)